Intellectual outputs - Solution Heritage

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Intellectual outputs
Project results that will be realized

I.o 1
Tools, database and algorithm "Solutions' Heritage"
01/05/2021 – 31/12/2021

I.o 2
Creative and innovative model of sociological investigation
01/01/2022 – 31/10/2022

I.o 3
“Solutions’ Heritage
01/11/2022 – 30/04/2023

I.o 1:
Identify the data and information necessary for the preparation of the following intellectual outputs (creative and innovative model of sociological survey and vademecum).

  • Analysis of the evolution of cultural heritage in the 3 partner countries (Italy, Poland and Turkey);
  • Clustering of the data (cultures, uses, habits);
  • Identification of the elderly and young people, that will be involved in the project;
  • Definition and creation of the interviews, that will be drawn up to the elderly and to young people;
  • Evaluation of the feedbacks;
  • Creation of the database;
  • Creation of an algorithm that will combine the fixed factores of intangible cultural heritage with the changing indicators linked to traditions, anecdotes and the best solutions.

I.o 2:
  • Create 4 modules to inform about soft skills and competences needed to face difficult situations, plus a module "What the wise men recommend“;
  • Design of interaction tools between the two generations;
  • Development of role-playing games for young people and the wise;
  • Proposition of 5/6 different and uncomfortable situations that will test the young people who will start the path and will be helped by the advice of the elderly.

I.o 3:
Create a guide of solutions to be adopted in emergency situations and social challenges to help young people take care of themselves and others and the value of the elderly
Solutions' Heritage
Created by Lim S.r.l.
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