E1-Turkey - Solution Heritage

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First Multiplier Event - Antalya, Turkey - May, 16th-17th 2022

This event was attended by 75 participants (50 local and 25 foreign). The goal achieved was to disseminate the IO1. The first intellectual output consists in identifying the data and information necessary for the preparation of the following intellectual outputs (creative and innovative model of sociological survey and vademecum). The first step, that has been addressed, has been the analysis of the evolution of cultural heritage in the 3 partner countries (Italy, Poland and Turkey). A clustering of cultures, uses, habits has been then carried out, i.e. a multivariate analysis of the data aimed at selecting and grouping homogeneous elements in a set of data. The elderly and young people to be involved in the project have then been identified. The topics have been defined and traces of the interviews to be administered have been drawn up: - to the elderly to keep track of historical memory (anecdotes, traditions, solutions, ways of acting, that would be lost over the years), - to young people to understand their needs and requirements in particular moments such as the one we are experiencing. The interviews have been analyzed and all the data collected, both quantitative and qualitative, have been stored in a database. LIM’s technicians have been used to create an algorithm that will combine the fixed variables of intangible cultural heritage with the changing indicators linked to traditions, anecdotes and the best solutions. These are “testimonies” coming from this intercultural dialogue that has been allowed us to understand the needs of young people and to give possible solutions, taking an example from past generations. The idea has been to create a virtual memory of the culture of 3 European countries, which collaborating with each other give the new generations creative tools to face current risks and reveal opportunities that can be sought in a critical context, such as our grandparents. They reacted to the post-war crisis and best solutions.

Solutions' Heritage
Created by Lim S.r.l.
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